Case Studies: What Does It Take to Implement Quality Sexual Health Education?
May 2018
n 2013, the Division of Adolescent School Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC DASH) awarded 17 Local Education Agencies (LEA) funding to strengthen sexual health education in their schools, as part of their efforts to reduce HIV and other STI. Funded partners were charged with providing guidance, materials, and professional development to build teachers’ knowledge and skills to deliver sexual health education effectively. They were encouraged to work more intensively with a set of priority schools with a relatively high proportion of youth at risk of HIV/STI.
To help LEA carry out this work, CDC DASH funded us to provide capacity-building assistance, including professional development, technical assistance, and resources. They also supported our efforts to document examples of how LEA have strengthened sexual health education since the funded program began. This effort has culminated in three case studies.
Contributing Staff