Featured Project
A partnership to bring you the latest research in one place.
Where We Started
ReSHAPING began as an informal research alliance that met to discuss opportunities for joint manuscripts, presentations, trainings and potential projects.
With funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Healthy Teen Network has joined the scholars of ReSHAPING to support strategic planning and dissemination.
Through this mutually beneficial partnership, we are able to expand our library of resources to our members while supporting ReSHAPING’s goal to broaden the reach of their research in support of professionals working with youth who are homeless, trafficked, or in out-of-home environments.
What It Is
ReSHAPING (Research on Sexual Health and Adolescent Parenting IN out of home environments Group) is an international network of scholars in social work, public health, public policy, and psychology dedicated to collaborative research on understanding needs and improving outcomes related to sexual health and parenting for youth who are homeless, trafficked, or in out-of-home environments, whether in child welfare, juvenile justice, or other systems.
To learn more about ReSHAPING and their research, check out their website, housed within our website, in order to support broader dissemination of their findings with direct service providers.