“I Can Get Through This and I Will Get Through This”: The unfolding journey of teenage motherhood in and beyond foster care

Qualitative Social Work, June 2016

Suggested Citation
Aparicio, E. M. (2016). “I Can Get Through This and I Will Get Through This”: The unfolding journey of teenage motherhood in and beyond foster care. Qualitative Social Work, 17 (1), 96 – 114. https://doi.org/10.1177/1473325016656047

Findings extend and complicate a risk-only view of teenage pregnancy within foster care settings. They call for a compassionate view of mothering and attuned intervention in these challenging circumstances in order to support both mother and infant mental health and well-being. Study findings further suggest a need for ongoing, relationship-based parenting support coupled with thoughtful pregnancy planning, foster parent training in coming alongside teens rather than either withdrawing or taking over, and nurturing postpartum support.

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