Fatherhood in Foster Care: Research and Guidance on Working with Young Fathers
The ReSHAPING Network | July 27, 2021
Speaker: Justin S. Harty, MSW, LCSW | University of Chicago
Suggested Citation
Harty, Justin S. [The ReSHAPING Network and Healthy Teen Network]. (2021, July 27). Fatherhood in Foster Care: Research and Guidance on Working with Young Fathers [Video]. https://www.healthyteennetwork.org/project/fatherhood-in-foster-care-webinar/
Policies and services for parenting foster youth often target young mothers in care, with little attention paid to young fathers in care. Furthermore, few research studies exist to guide practitioners and policy makers tasked with meeting the needs of young fathers in care.
This webinar hosted by The ReSHAPING Network shares key information and valuable insight on fathers in foster care relevant to practice, policy, and research audiences. This webinar also shares: (1) results of a 40-year review of research on fathers in foster care; (2) research on the experiences of fathers in contact with the child welfare system; and (3) relevant research on young fatherhood. This webinar will provide important guidance on meeting the needs of young fathers in foster care who are simultaneously preparing for independent adulthood