Why Sex Ed For All?
October 2021
Have you heard that May is Sex Ed For All Month? Yes, no, maybe? Or yes, but you don’t quite get it? It’s okay…that’s actually what this session is all about.
Since 2019, May has been recognized as Sex Ed For All Month. This initiative has marked a dramatic turn away from the stigmatizing and problematic messaging often embedded in what was formerly known as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month.
Sex ed is about so much more than risk reduction and disease prevention…sex ed can promote critical thinking, communication, decision-making, consent, self-esteem, and self-efficacy, and provide young people with equitable access to the education and care they need and deserve.
Unfortunately, too many young people in the U.S. do not receive the education and care they need (and have a right to have). Sex Ed For All Month is an opportunity to raise awareness on this issue and call for an investment in high-quality sex education. It’s also an opportunity to adjust the lens through which we all too often view adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
Join us to reflect on how we can improve our messaging to be more inclusive and affirming of all young people and focus on the sex education and care they deserve. And, get a head start on planning to celebrate May 2022 Sex Ed For All Month.
This session was brought to you by the Sex Education Collaborative—representing 24 national, regional, and state-based organizations with extensive experience training educators to deliver school-based sex education.
Contributing Staff