
Our Story

From our start in 1979, we focused on an often-overlooked group of young people: those who were pregnant and parenting. Back then, we were known as the National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenting, or NOAPP. Over time, we added a third “P” to our name to bring in prevention, while never losing sight of supports and services for young people who are pregnant or parenting.

Inclusive and affirming is just who we are. For all young people.

We have continued to evolve from there. Because sexual and reproductive health is not just about risk reduction or preventing pregnancy or disease—it’s also about healthy relationships, sex positivity, gender and sexuality, and so much more. It’s about equipping young people with the information and services they need to thrive. To be who they are and love who they love. And so, we became more holistic.

We are Healthy Teen Network.

What hasn’t changed is that we are here for you. We know you do your best when you’re connected to great opportunities and resources—and with others working in sexual and reproductive health.

We are your network, a national membership organization (501c3), joined together to support and empower young people to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. The magic of this network comes from you.

Our Vision

A world where all adolescents and young adults lead healthy and fulfilling lives

Our Guiding Principles


Every young person has the right to be who they are and love who they love. That means living in a world that affirms and celebrates them for who they are. That means having the agency, opportunity, and access to make decisions about their bodies, relationships, and futures. (And feel good doing it!) That includes decisions about if, when, and how to parent—or not.


We are inclusive and affirming. This started with our first focus on young people who are pregnant or parenting. Today, it’s just who we are.

Youth 360°

We know how and where youth live, learn, and play matters. We look at the big picture and approach our work with an eye toward social justice. This is how we can create a more just and equitable world.


We believe in science. The evidence, the research, tells us what works. And using that is the most efficient and effective way to get to our outcomes.


We build on what we know works to innovate. Innovation helps us create solutions to meet the ever-changing lives of young people.

Youth Centered

We center youth. This is how we can support and empower every young person to be who they are and love who they love.


Young people have a right to quality and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education and care. Access is essential for them to make decisions about their bodies and relationships, and about pregnancy and parenting.

We Stand Firm in Our Commitment to Reproductive Justice and Human Dignity for All People.

At Healthy Teen Network, we stand firm in our commitment to reproductive justice and human dignity for all people, particularly young people, especially in times of global conflict and chaos. The right to make decisions about our bodies and lives is deeply intertwined with broader issues of social justice and human dignity.

Our work is driven by the belief that every person, especially young people, no matter where they live, deserves the right to choose their own path and to live in a world where their humanity is respected. We will continue to champion these values in our work, advocating for a future where every life is valued, every choice is respected, and every community is supported in the pursuit of justice and dignity.


We promote better outcomes for adolescents and young adults by advancing social change, cultivating innovation, and strengthening youth-supporting professionals and organizations.

What We Mean

When we say “quality,” we mean sexual and reproductive health education and services must be…

Our Members

We're here because of you.

We connect you to the people you want to talk to and learn from. The teachers and educators, counselors and clinicians, the caring adults working to empower young people.

We are your membership network. And it’s free to join.

Let’s start with an email? Say hello and get our latest news.

Latest Press Releases

When we say “quality,” we mean sexual and reproductive health education and services must be…

As Featured In


Annual Report

Catch the highlights of our work in our most recent annual report. Want more? Check out other past annual reports (2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016), and our more recent projects, below.

Our Work

See what we’ve done.

Logo image for Power Through Choices, of owl with widespread wings
Excerpt of infographic
Logo for Wingman, white stylized W on black background
Cover image of Young Parents Logic Model
El Camino: A Goal Setting Sexual Health Promotion Program



Want to make a difference, too? We’d love for you to join us in creating a world where all young people lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Discover the magic of the Network.

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You work hard to meet the needs of young people. We’re here to support and inspire you to do your best work every day.

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