Image of the number 2019 glowing in the night sky.

2019 #RJResolutions

Healthy Teen Network joined SisterSong and many others on January 1st for a tweetstorm to talk about our reproductive justice resolutions for this coming year.

Caricature of Allison Tomai Felsen

By Allison Tomai Felsen

January 2, 2019

What are your hopes, goals, and vision for 2019?

Healthy Teen Network joined SisterSong and many other organizations on January 1st for a tweetstorm to talk about our reproductive justice resolutions for this coming year. Resolutions shared included working to continue to address violence, reforming gun laws, supporting efforts to secure paid leave, or ensuring access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services.

Did you make your own #RJresolution this year? It’s not too late to share it now!

Here is a sample of the #RJresolution tweets our colleagues shared:

RJ resolutions from Healthy Teen Network.RJ resolutions from SisterSong.RJ resolutions from Latinos for Planned Parenthood.RJ resolutions from SisterLove, Inc.RJ resolutions from ACOG Action.RJ resolutions from Free the Pill.RJ resolutions from reproaction.RJ resolutions from Advocates For Youth.RJ resolutions from Young Women United.RJ resolutions from NARAL.RJ resolutions from RHAP.RJ resolutions from NLIRH NY LAN.RJ resolutions from Ibis Reproductive Health.RJ resolutions from COLOR.RJ resolutions from Guttmacher Institute.RJ resolutions from NWLC.

Allison Tomai Felsen is a Communications Manager for Healthy Teen Network and manages our annual national conference and email communications. Allison and her husband are proud parents of two pups and three cats. Read more from Allison.

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