3 Instagram Accounts to Follow to Learn about Reproductive Justice

Social media can be more than algorithms and explore pagesit can be a spring board into action, a connecting place for activists, and a place for inspiration and growth.  

caricature of Sam Akers

By Sam Akers

February 3, 2022

As a Gen Z’er who has been scrolling Instagram for years, I’ve come to learn that social media platforms can be used in a variety of ways: entertainment, news, connecting with old friends, and finding the latest trends (shoutout to y’all on TikTok). With that being said, it can also be used as an influential tool for learning. Personally, I must say that unfollowing influencers and seeking out information instead was life changing. As the busy humans we are, Instagram can be an accessible way for us to connect with reproductive justice and serve as a first step toward taking action. Following individuals and organizations that are doing justice work has connected me to activists across the world who have devoted their lives to ‘doing the work’.

While social media is not the end all be all to the massive inequities and injustices that exist around the world, it can be a connector and tool for propelling people into action.

While social media is not the end all be all to the massive inequities and injustices that exist around the world, it can be a connector and tool for propelling people into action. Peer reviewed academic articles can be scary—and not to mention, inaccessible. While they offer a wealth of complex and well researched knowledge, they are rarely in mainstream public spaces. Instagram, however, can be a resource for activists who are unable to break through the barriers of academia to reach an audience of scrollers who may not be able to easily access information elsewhere.

Don’t get me wrong, social media has concerns of its own but that is a discussion for another time. Here are a few accounts where you can find reliable, useful information on Instagram as you begin your journey to fight for reproductive justice:

1. SisterSong

SisterSong is a reproductive justice organization that works to “build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.”

Follow for:

  • Instagram Live events with SisterSong activists
  • Quotes about various topics related to reproductive rights
  • Events where reproductive justice activists come together: roundtables, intensives, etc.

Follow SisterSong

2. The Center for Reproductive Rights

The Center for Reproductive Rights “uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world.”

Follow for:

  • Updates on laws passed and legislative action
  • Global reproductive rights news
  • Links to articles to read more about reproductive justice

Follow The Center for Reproductive Rights

3. Spark RJ Now

Spark RJ Now is an organization based in Atlanta, GA that focuses on pursuing reproductive justice in the south. For them, “Reproductive justice is the ability for Georgia and the South to continuously cultivate communities where we can all make sustainable and liberatory decisions about our bodies, genders, sexualities, families, and lives holistically and without shame or fear of policing.” Their work is powerful beyond measure and can be used not only in Georgia, but across the US.

Follow for:

  • Finding events about reproductive justice (member meetings, Crisis Pregnancy Center 101s, panels, etc)
  • News on legislation
  • Updates on weeks of awareness (Black Reproductive Justice Week of Action, Trans Awareness Week, and others)

Follow Spark RJ Now

Bonus: You can also follow hashtags on Instagram such as #ReproductiveJustice, #ReproJustice, and #ReproRights to stay up to date on the latest posts pertaining to reproductive justice.

These three Instagram accounts are, of course, not the only organizations that are doing reproductive justice work. There are countless more individuals and organizations committed to repro rights!   Please use these accounts as a starting place as you continue to research and explore. Along with that, our Healthy Teen Network eGram has resources, events, and articles related to reproductive justice topics. Sign up here!

PHOTO CREDIT: Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Sam is an experienced facilitator of curriculum focused on sexual health, puberty, safety, and relationships for adolescents. She has expertise in outreach, communications, and strengths-based critical thinking. Sam is passionate about the ways in which trusted adults can provide skills, knowledge, and support so adolescents can make informed decisions. Sam is dedicated to the advancement of justice through collaboration and co-creation. Read more about Sam.

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