Comprehensive Means Intersectional: Moving Sex Education Forward

If youth don’t have equal access to comprehensive sex ed, then it is not intersectional. And it’s on us to change that.

Logo for Healthy Teen Network, featuring 3 interlocked orange circle outlines, and inside, outline drawings of a hand, a sunburst, and three people; below the circle, in teal, is the name, %22Healthy Teen Network%22

March 10, 2022

Intersectional sex ed is possible, but what does that mean? Sex ed should be as robust and diverse as young people are today. And it’s on us to work towards bridging the gaps in our curricula, so all youth see themselves and their experiences thoughtfully represented in sexuality education.

Young people deserve to have equal access to comprehensive sex ed that:

  • Shows a variety of different body sizes, abilities, ethnicities, gender presentations, and more in curricula;
  • Addresses and works to undo the hyper-sexualization of BIPOC women and femmes;
  • Challenges single issue approaches and instead considers how racism and oppression, couple with classism and misogyny, affect marginalized youth; and
  • Calls out and rejects any white, cisgender, heteronormative approaches to sexuality education.

Want to learn more about how you can move beyond comprehensive to inclusive sex ed in your classroom or learning environment? Check out the Sex Ed Collaborative’s tips on moving sex education forward!

curly haired girl smiling in a field wearing a white tank top and overallsGet the Printable Tip Sheet

Get more resources through the Sex Education Collaborative and Training Hub.

PHOTO CREDIT: monkey business on Adobe Stock

The Sex Education Collaborative (SEC) envisions and works to support a world in which all young people’s right to comprehensive, high-quality sex education is recognized and fulfilled. This can only be achieved if educators are equipped with the knowledge and training needed to effectively deliver sex education. The SEC is made up of sex education experts who share the common goal to advance and scale K–12 school-based sex education programs across the United States. Healthy Teen Network is proud to be a member of the SEC. Read more about the SEC.

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