Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio Awarded the ECPN John Reid Early Career Award

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July 7, 2022

The ECPN John B. Reid Early Career Award is presented to an individual early in their career in prevention. This award is bestowed on someone who has shown a commitment to prevention science through outstanding contributions to research, policy, or practice.

We want to give a warm shout-out to ReSHAPING member Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio on receiving the ECPN John Reid Early Career Award from the Society for Prevention Research.

Thank you for your tremendous contributions to the field. Congrats, Elizabeth! Elizabeth follows in the footsteps of fellow ReSHAPING Network member, Dr. Nadine Finigan-Carr who received the same award from the Society of Prevention Research last year. We’re so proud of our members and are honored to celebrate their achievements!

Dr. Aparicio conducts community-engaged research in order to improve health equity via three interrelated areas: teen pregnancy prevention and parenting support; early childhood intervention; and child maltreatment prevention. She works to serve as a conduit for community voices, especially of maltreated parenting youth, to become a critical part of the conversation on the practices and policies that directly impact them.

We want to give a warm shout-out to ReSHAPING member, Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio for her tremendous contibutions to the field.

Dr. Aparicio worked for 9 years as a social worker with parenting foster youth and as an early childhood mental health specialist before entering academia. Dr. Aparicio is currently an assistant professor of behavioral and community health where she teaches courses in qualitative research methods, human sexuality, and community health engagement; mentors amazing students; and conducts applied and intervention research in Maryland and Hawaii with youth who are in foster care, homeless, or justice-involved.

She has also worked with members of the Healthy Teen Network team on recent projects including Storms and blossoms: Foster care system alumni parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can read more about her work by reading her full bio, here.  


PHOTO CREDIT: Dr. Elizabeth Aparicio

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ReSHAPING (Research on Sexual Health and Adolescent Parenting in Out-of-Home Environments Group) is an international network of scholars in social work, public health, public policy, and psychology dedicated to collaborative research on understanding needs and improving outcomes related to sexual health and parenting for youth who are homeless, trafficked, or in out-of-home environments, whether in child welfare, juvenile justice, or other systems. Read more about us.

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