Give Your Contraceptive Lessons a Refresh

Support your students to feel informed and in control of their health!

Caricature of Allison Tomai Felsen

By Allison Tomai Felsen

June 23, 2023

As part of its efforts to bring the very best sexual health education to Maryland youth,  True You Maryland, a program of the Maryland Department of Health, has championed ensuring sex ed is inclusive and affirming of all young people.

In a new two-part series, Vanessa Geffrard from Planned Parenthood Maryland explores the importance of tossing out the binary in favor of addressing the diverse needs of our students and how important it is to stay updated on what is happening in the world of birth control.

In a new two-part series, Vanessa Geffrard from Planned Parenthood Maryland explores the importance of tossing out the binary in favor of addressing the diverse needs of our students and how important it is to stay updated on what is happening in the world of birth control.

What does tossing out the binary mean?

Vanessa explains, we know it’s hard to foster authentic communication and confidently impart information when you’re constantly having to think about your words, but the more you practice, the more natural it will become. As educators, it’s so important that you include all students in learning and prioritize their sexual health above any discomfort you might have.

If you want even more resources and tips check out this blog post, which also features another fabulous training by Vanessa Geffrard.

What’s new with birth control?

With a constantly evolving landscape of birth control methods, Vanessa acknowledges that staying up to date can be a challenge. From familiar methods with rebranded names to truly innovative options, you’ve got to keep your lesson plans up to date. It’s important to sort out what methods are new, how these methods work in the body, and how to incorporate them into your existing contraceptive lesson plans. Don’t forget to include content about where young people can find birth control, especially when there may be limited options in their community.

Are you ready to give your contraceptive lessons a refresh?

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Allison Tomai Felsen is a Communications Manager for Healthy Teen Network who provides design and communications expertise for projects and manages our website. Allison and her husband are proud parents of two pups and three cats. Read more from Allison.

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