We are excited to share these lessons we learned in internet advertising.
This is part five of a series. Miss something? Check it out:
Each video in this elearning series is super-short and easy to follow. Although the elearning videos follow a sequence, you don’t have to follow them in order. You can view them at your own pace, picking up wherever it makes the most sense for you.
Lesson 7: Iterate, Iterate, Iterate
Sometimes that means keeping all the ad creative the same, but changing the targeting parameters by one variable, perhaps adding gender, or age range. Other times it means keeping the targeting parameters the same, but changing one thing in the creative.
Lesson 8: Pivot
It may not be easy to accept that we need to continue recrafting our ad, but the results of pivoting may be worthwhile.
Final Thoughts
One final piece of advice… Never, ever underestimate the work that internet advertising entails. It’s work!
Want even more? Let us know how we can help you get started with internet advertising!