Navigating Sexuality + Faith for Better Sex Ed

Religion and faith does play a role in shaping our views on sex and sexuality.


Caricature of Allison Tomai Felsen

By Allison Tomai Felsen

July 14, 2022

You might be thinking the same thing that I was when I first read the title and description to our recent training series—Demystifying Sexual Taboos: Education, Science, and Sex-Positive Christianity—is sex-positive Christianity even a thing?

Before I dive in, a little background on me. I grew up in a non-denominational Christian church and attended an all-girls Catholic high school. Fortunately for me, I didn’t experience the same amount of repression and misinformation that many of my peers did—my parents both had scientific backgrounds, and were very good about naming body parts and explaining bodily functions.

However, attending church and hearing about the “dangers” of pre-marital sex, making sure you presented yourself modestly, and keeping yourself “pure” were definitely things that were swirling around in my teen subconscious.

However, attending church and hearing about the “dangers” of pre-marital sex, making sure you presented yourself modestly, and keeping yourself “pure” were definitely things that were swirling around in my teen subconscious. As a result, I entered adulthood pretty unprepared for conversations or experiences around consent, sex-positivity, and sexuality. While I have left my religious roots behind for a multitude of reasons, I have seen a shift over the last few years in some faith circles that seems to be moving away from “purity culture” and towards this idea that Christians can be inclusive and sex-positive.

In April, True You Maryland hosted two sessions that addressed how religious values often shape our perspectives on sex and sexuality. The sessions aimed to help identify the discomfort and the resistance—some of it from religion—to sex education. They focused on the many positive things connecting religion and sexuality, and how to gain the skills to advocate for young people’s freedom to live fulfilling, healthy lives.

Check out the recordings of Demystifying Sexual Taboos: Education, Science, and Sex-Positive Christianity and the extensive list of resources.

Here are some tips for making sure your learning space is inclusive:

Demystifying Sexual Taboos: Education, Science, and Sex-Positive Christianity
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