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Victory In Teen Pregnancy Prevention Case For City of Baltimore, Healthy Teen Network, and Democracy Forward

Judge overturns HHS’s decision to cut grants for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program.

Three times in one week, Federal Courts have ruled HHS’s cuts to Teen Pregnancy Prevention unlawful.

Democracy Forward LogoLogo for Healthy Teen Network, featuring 3 interlocked orange circle outlines, and inside, outline drawings of a hand, a sunburst, and three people; below the circle, in teal, is the name, %22Healthy Teen Network%22

April 26, 2018

For Immediate Release

B altimore, MD — Late yesterday afternoon, the Federal District Court in Baltimore ruled that the U.S. Health and Human Services Department’s 2017 decision to terminate grants for the highly effective Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program was unlawful, handing a major victory to Healthy Teen Network, represented by Democracy Forward Foundation, and the City of Baltimore, represented by the Baltimore City Solicitor and Democracy Forward Foundation. The Court ruled that the action by HHS was arbitrary, capricious and contrary to law.

As has been reported, in terminating the grants, newly appointed political aides overruled career officials, boxing them out of the process and telling them to “get in line.”

“This is a major victory for the rule of law and evidence-based policymaking, as well as a victory for the young people of Baltimore who need more access to education, not less,” said Mayor Catherine Pugh of Baltimore.

The Trump Administration cannot break the law to put ideology ahead of effective, evidence-based policymaking.

“This ruling is a victory for the youth of Baltimore City. It means that 20,000 students in our city will continue to receive evidence-based education, giving our young people the chance for improved health, educational attainment and economic opportunities,” said Dr. Leana Wen, Baltimore City Health Commissioner.“By following science and evidence, Baltimore has made significant progress in reducing teen birth rates, and we look forward to continuing to fulfill our responsibility of protecting the health and ensuring the well-being of our youth.”

“For the third time in a week, a court ruled that the Trump Administration cannot break the law to put ideology ahead of effective, evidence-based policymaking,” said Healthy Teen Network President Dr. Patricia Paluzzi.

“We are proud to have succeeded in blocking this unlawful action by the Department of Health and Human Services and we will remain vigilant to ensure that HHS follows the law,” said Anne Harkavy, Executive Director of Democracy Forward Foundation.

Image of word art: %22Breaking: We took the Trump administration to court...and we won! Becaues we believe in Science. #standingstrong%22and Healthy Teen Network logo


Child Trends

Child Trends is the nation’s leading nonprofit research organization focused exclusively on improving the lives and prospects of children, youth, and their families.

Chapin Hall

Chapin Hall is an independent policy research center at the University of Chicago that provides public and private decision-makers with rigorous research and achievable solutions to support them in improving the lives of children, families, and communities. Chapin Hall partners with policymakers, practitioners, and philanthropists at the forefront of research and policy development by applying a unique blend of scientific research, real-world experience, and policy expertise to construct actionable information, practical tools, and, ultimately, positive change for children, youth, and families. Established in 1985, Chapin Hall’s areas of research include child welfare systems, community capacity to support children and families, and youth homelessness.

Healthy Teen Network

Healthy Teen Network promotes better outcomes for adolescents and young adults by advancing social change, cultivating innovation, and strengthening youth-supporting professionals and organizations. Healthy Teen Network is a membership organization nationally recognized for its quality training and technical assistance, integration of evidence-informed and best practices with innovative strategies, and translation of complex research to accessible resources and tools to support professionals.

Follow @HealthyTeen on Twitter.

Contact: Gina Desiderio, Director of Communications

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