Sex Ed? On TikTok?

It’s more likely than you think.

caricature of Sam Akers

By Sam Akers

May 20, 2022

Kids these days are all about TikTok, and I’ll admit it, I’m into it too! From watching morning routines to dances to Lizzo’s newest song, I love a good scroll. Social media provides a platform where people can learn about topics they’ve never been exposed to in school, or have only heard false information about. For example, you guessed it, sexuality!

“But how do we know if it’s good information?” “What if the creator uses shame-y language?” “I don’t understand TikTok!”

I hear you. And I get it! How DO we make sure that the For You page (that’s the page where TikTok recommends videos for you based on your preferences and viewing history) has plenty of accurate information for young people to consume? Who do we recommend them to follow?

That brings me to the content of this blog post—as someone in the sex ed field, who do I follow on TikTok and who would I recommend you and youth in your life follow?

1. Sriha Srinivasan

@sexedu this isn’t to say that you can’t participate in 🪝up culture, just that you aren’t weird for not! #health #education #viral ♬ use my sound for follow – ZAMNN

Sriha Srinivasan is a college student who started a TikTok sex ed account to destigmatize sexuality and educate peers about sex! They can be found on TikTok @SexEdU.

2. Lydia Collins

@lacollins_ Major green flag ✅ #fyp #sexualhealth #gettested #queertiktok #blacktiktok #hivprevention ♬ Drilla – ᴊᴏᴇ™️

Lydia Collins, @LACollins, is an author, sex educator with focus on HIV Prevention in African, Caribbean and Black communities.

3. Dr. Jennifer Lincoln

@drjenniferlincoln More cool stuff about #pregnancy! #obgyn #letstalkabout #placenta #birth #healthclass ♬ Love You So – The King Khan & BBQ Show

Jennifer Lincoln, @drjenniferlincoln, is an OB/GYN and medical author who has 2.8 million followers and over 45 million likes on TikTok!

4. Sex Ed Files

@sexedfiles Reply to @luireviewsstuff let’s talk dental dams! ✨👄💧 #dentaldam #healtheducation ♬ Return of the Mack – Mark Morrison

@SexEdFiles is a Latine and Bisexual sex educator who advocates for trauma-informed, pleasure-centered, comprehensive sex ed and shares anonymous Qs from youth.

5. Yes.Tess

@yes.tess Not the most realistic representation but heh everyone looks different 🙂 #hiddengems #health #didyouknow #myths #anatomy #sexeducaction #womxn ♬ Alice in Wonderland – Joanna Wang

Tessy Vanderhaeghe, @Yes.Tess, is a certified sex educator who uses their platform to talk about vaginal discharge, anatomy, using condoms, and more!

6. Dr.Stacy.T

@dr.staci.t Did this help? #learnontiktok #tiktokpartner #tampon #tipsandtricks #obgyn ♬ Dandelions – The Young Ebenezers

@Dr.Staci.T is another one of TikTok’s favorite OBGYNs. She posts about health, answers questions about sex, and gender inequality.

7. Dr.Carlton

@doctorcarlton Chemicals in store bought enemas can lead to increased risk of infection transmission and also cramping. #bottom #gaydoctor #gaysoftiktok #tiktokgay ♬ INDUSTRY BABY – Lil Nas X & Jack Harlow

@Doctor Carlton is a GI doctor who posts about health and sex for all people, but especially those who engage in anal sex. As the self-proclaimed, “CEO of Back Door Stuff,” you can scroll his page to find tips, information about HIV and STIs, colonoscopy prep, and more.

We now have a TikTok! Follow @HealthyTeenNetwork for more sex ed content.

With all that being said, I want to acknowledge the power of teaching our young people to critically analyze all media content and how to find medically accurate information. I encourage you to engage in conversations about how any person could have a username with an @Dr in it, but that doesn’t mean that they are indeed a health professional, nor should we automatically listen to their advice!

We can direct young people in our lives to credible websites to find more information because even with a longer three-minute TikTok, there is so much more to learn.

We can direct young people in our lives to credible websites to find more information because even with a longer three-minute TikTok, there is so much more to learn. Amaze is a great resource where young people who enjoy videos can find digestible, medically accurate information. Scarleteen also will have some of the answers to questions they’re asking!

There is a plethora of people on TikTok who speak about their own stories and who have expertise in other areas of sexuality.

These 7 accounts are among the many providing information to young people and doing the work to destigmatize sexuality for young people across the world. Turns out that clock app isn’t too bad, huh!

PHOTO CREDIT: Drobot Dean on Adobe Stock

Sam is an experienced facilitator of curriculum focused on sexual health, puberty, safety, and relationships for adolescents. She has expertise in outreach, communications, and strengths-based critical thinking. Sam is passionate about the ways in which trusted adults can provide skills, knowledge, and support so adolescents can make informed decisions. Sam is dedicated to the advancement of justice through collaboration and co-creation. Read more about Sam.

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