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The Power of Failure in Innovation

Failure is the beginning of a new path toward discovery, creativity, and innovation

When I was starting my professional life, I had the opportunity to work at a company that was preparing thoughtful, handmade gifts for potential partners and investors. My boss was especially proud of the team’s efforts; they had meticulously researched each partner’s culture and interests to ensure the gifts were meaningful. One of my responsibilities was to ensure the gifts were beautifully wrapped—a seemingly simple yet important task.

Eager to impress, I carefully selected elegant white wrapping paper with silver and gold accents, confident it would make the gifts look stunning. But when we presented the first gift to our Japanese partners, their reactions caught me off guard. They frowned and appeared uncomfortable. My boss was upset, and I couldn’t understand why.

Later, I learned that in Japanese culture, white wrapping paper symbolizes death and mourning. What I thought was a thoughtful presentation had sent the wrong message. I was mortified by what felt like a massive failure. But in hindsight, that experience taught me lessons I carry to this day: the importance of cultural awareness, attention to detail, and understanding context. Without this misstep, I wouldn’t have gained those valuable insights.

Failure, as uncomfortable as it can be, often provides lessons success cannot. This is particularly true in the world of innovation, where failure isn’t just inevitable—it’s essential.

Milagros Garrido, MS, PMP, is the Director for our Innovation and Research Department at Healthy Teen Network. Always ready for a challenge, she is at her best when she is finding clever and new ways of using technology to make the seemingly impossible a reality. Read more about Mila

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