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Let’s Get Comfortable…the Sex Positive Revolution is Here to Stay

We hope to start learning, talking about, and supporting children who are practicing sex positivity.

This past conference, we launched the #HealthyTeen18 Design Challenge, which focused on how we can flip the script and start thinking—and talking—about pleasure, sexuality, and positive sexual experiences in sex ed (more on why we chose that in this previous post). In order to take the conversation further, we decided to make sex positivity the theme of our 2019 conference.

Our call for proposals will be opening in a few short months, and we wanted to get people thinking about how they can be sex positive in their attitudes, language, and actions in order to contribute to the sex-positive culture that we should be helping to create, not just for youth but for all of us. But don’t just take our word for it, dive in below to see what the buzz is about sex positivity, and maybe pick up a few tips on how you can be more sex positive.

What Does “Sex Positive” Mean, Anyway?

“Sex positive” might sound radical, but it’s actually a simple concept of stressing a healthy attitude towards sex. In this article from Refinery29, Dr. Michael Krychman, certified sexual counselor and sexual-medicine gynecologist, defines sex positive as being “all about embracing that sexuality is a very important part of who you are, irrespective of your age and irrespective of the social construct. It means maintaining a healthy attitude towards sex—or lack thereof—and valuing it given your individual needs.” Sex positivity also embraces the idea of being sexually educated and staying safe.” Read more…

Ready to start a sex-positive revolution? Then make your plan now to join us for #HealthyTeen19!

Sex-Positivity: Educate, Empower, Self-Define!

The Feminist Campus, a project of Feminist Majority Foundation, is the world’s largest pro-choice student network. They define sex positivity as “the belief that consensual sexual expression is both healthy and important in contributing to a safe and inclusive campus climate. Sex-positivity is grounded in comprehensive sex education, exploring and deconstructing gender norms, and promoting body-positivity and self-love. It fosters safe spaces in which different identities and sexual expressions are valued and bodily autonomy is paramount. Sex-positivity transforms our relationship with ourselves, each other, and our communities and can impact policy.” Check out their Campaign for Sex Positivity for ways to support sex positivity on campus.

How Can I Be More Sex Positive/Comfortable with Sex?

This blog post from Teen Health Source tackles a complicated question submitted by a teen who is struggling with being more sex positive and not uncomfortable or judgmental when talking about sex. Teen Health Source defines sex positivity as embracing “sexuality with the view that the only relevant concerns when it comes to a sexual act, practice or experience are the consent, pleasure and well-being of the people engaged in it or the people affected by it. Sex positivity places no moral value on different sexualities or sex acts. It helps us set aside our judgments and make room for the diversity of human sexuality.” Here are five easy steps they shared to help develop a more sex positive mindset.

10 Ways to Support Sex-Positive Kids

In this article by Jamie Grant posted on The Body Is Not An Apology, she talks about raising her kids to love themselves and their sexuality. She asks, “how do we affirm and grow a healthy sexuality when it feels like they are inundated with misinformation and an over-sexualized commercial culture?” Here are Jamie’s top 10 tips to help navigate the process of educating kids about sex positivity.

Here are some more links to resources and articles about sex positivity:

Allison Tomai Felsen is a Communications Manager for Healthy Teen Network and manages our annual national conference and email communications. Allison and her husband are proud parents of two pups and three cats. Read more from Allison.

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