What do adolescent parents need to prevent repeat pregnancy? A qualitative investigation
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 2019
Grace S. Hubel, Angela D. Moreland
Suggested Citation
Hubel, G. S., & Moreland, A. D. (2019). What do adolescent parents need to prevent repeat pregnancy? A qualitative investigation. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 15, 21-31. https://doi.org/10.1080/17450128.2019.1668580
Themes emerged from the interviews that provided insight into the adolescent’s varied needs related to, as well as reasons for lack of openness to, sexual health education and contraceptive counseling. Peers appeared to be important sources of influence and often shared negative information about contraceptive use. Implications are discussed related to delivery of sexual health education and contraceptive counseling to adolescent parents.