Evidence-based sexual health programs for youth involved with juvenile justice and child welfare systems: Outcomes across settings, Children and Youth Services Review
Children and Youth Services Review, 2019
Suggested Citation
Combs, K.M., Aparicio, E.M., Prince, D.M., Grinnell-Davis, C., Marra, L. & Faulkner, M. (2019) Evidence-based sexual health programs for youth involved with juvenile justice and child welfare systems: Outcomes across settings, Children and Youth Services Review (100), p. 64-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.02.032
Results suggest that Making Proud Choices! and Be Proud! Be Responsible! can improve system-involved youths’ sexual health knowledge, and attitudes towards condoms and birth control across JJ and FC settings. Outcomes may depend upon facilitators’ training in trauma-informed care and “green light” tailoring modifications to adjust language and approach to be more trauma-informed.