What Works When Engaging In Real Talk With Foster Youth Around Dating and Sexual Behaviors?
Healthy Teen Network's 38th Annual National Conference, 2017
Rhoda Smith, PhD, MSW, Elizabeth Aparicio, PhD, MSW
Suggested Citation
Smith, R. & Aparicio, E. (2017). What Works When Engaging In Real Talk With Foster Youth Around Dating and Sexual Behaviors? Healthy Teen Network’s 38th Annual National Conference. [PowerPoint Slides]. www.healthyteennetwork.org/reshaping/resources/foster-youth-dating-sexual-behaviors/
Qualitative methodology examining communication with millennial foster alumni confirms social workers’ and foster parents’ unique positions for conversations about dating and sexual behaviors. Building upon System themes of lifelong connection and inclusiveness, and personal themes of trust and family, this roundtable will engage participants in brainstorming ways to establish a foster care culture where safety and sex education are more normative than exceptional. A strengths-based perspective will leave participants excited regarding the ‘new normal’ for foster youth transitioning to adulthood. Strategies to formulate policies to support and encourage necessary conversations to facilitate relevant and practical transfer of information for foster youth will be explored.