Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program’s Adolescent Sexual Health Innovation Hubs Showcase
April 2024
We’re thrilled to unveil Healthy Teen Network’s Innovation Incubator Hub, In/Tend—funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs. We are one of six organizations newly funded to support teams that will develop, refine, and test innovative program models and strategies.
With In/Tend, we’re on a mission to advance health equity and enhance the sexual and reproductive health and well-being of all young people. To do this, we’re cultivating teams who will use participatory research and design to sow and scatter the seeds of innovative, equity-focused solutions to real-world challenges.
We do this for a world that affirms and celebrates every young person, ensuring they have the agency, opportunity, and equitable access to prioritize their bodies, relationships, and futures.
We believe in uplifting doers, dreamers, and change–makers with diverse backgrounds and wide-ranging lived experiences—particularly those prepared to get their hands dirty, try new things, and adapt to evolving conditions on the ground
Ready to roll up your sleeves? Check out the recording of this showcase to learn about In/Tend and the other Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program’s Adolescent Sexual Health Innovation Hubs, hear from each Hub about its unique approach, and learn how your organization can become part of an innovation development team.
Contributing Staff