Long-Term Improvements in Knowledge & Psychosocial Factors of a Teen Pregnancy Prevention Intervention Implemented in Group Homes
Jennifer Green, MPH, PhD; Roy F. Oman, PhD ; Minggen Lu, PhD; and Kristen D. Clements-Nolle, PhD
Journal of Adolescent Health
June 2017
Youth in out-of-home care have higher rates of sexual risk behaviors and pregnancy than youth nationally. This study aimed to determine if Power Through Choices, a teen pregnancy prevention program developed for youth in out-of-home care, significantly improves knowledge and psychosocial outcomes regarding HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sexual activity and contraception methods, long term.
Findings suggest that the Power Through Choices intervention can have positive long-term knowledge and psychosocial effects regarding contraception methods on youth in out-of-home care.
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