Power Through Choices Training-of-Facilitators
Available Online & In-Person
Ready to implement the only proven effective curriculum designed for and with youth involved in systems of care?
We’ll train your facilitators to implement the evidence-based program, Power Through Choices, with young people.
When you purchase a copy of the Power Through Choices curriculum, you also receive a “seat” in a virtual Training-of-Facilitators, which must be redeemed within one year of the curriculum purchase. We offer these trainings virtually twice a year. Check out our event calendar to see the next available training.
Alternatively, we may also be available to come to you to train your staff, on-site (at an additional cost). If you have at least 12 health educators ready to implement Power Through Choices, this may be the option for you!
Training-of-Facilitator participants get the background and practice they need to be ready to implement the program with quality and fidelity. Ongoing technical assistance to make adaptations and support implementation is also available.
Want to know more? Let’s talk!
Contributing Staff