Storms and blossoms: Foster care system alumni parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic
University of Maryland, College Park, May 2021
Elizabeth Aparicio, Rhoda Smith, Michelle Jasczyński, Amara Channell Doig, Marissa Ventola, Svetlana Shpiegel, Alexander Sanchez, Genevieve Martínez-García
Suggested Citation
Martinez-Garcia, G., Sanchez, A., Shpiegel, S., Ventola, M., Channell Doig, A., Jasczyński, M., Smith, R., & Aparicio, E.M. (2021). Storms and blossoms: Foster care system alumni parenting during the COVID-19 pandemic. University of Maryland, College Park. http://hdl.handle.net/1903/27039
Our team conducted this PhotoVoice project from January to March 2021. Parenting foster youth and foster system alumni aged 18-26 met for three sessions to use photography to explore their experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. This photobook was designed as a keepsake for PhotoVoice group participants to be able to share their photographs, experiences, captions, and stories with one another as well as with researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Names used in the book are pseudonyms.