Updated Findings from the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review: October 2016 Through June 2022
June 2023
This brief summarizes the findings from a recent update to an ongoing systematic review of research on teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection prevention programs, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As of April 2018, when the last findings were released, the HHS Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review had identified 48 programs meeting the review criteria for evidence of effectiveness based on a review of studies released from August 2015 to October 2016. These criteria require programs to show evidence of at least one favorable, statistically significant impact on at least one outcome of interest reflecting sexual behavior or reproductive health. In addition, the supporting research studies must meet established criteria for the quality and execution of their research designs. The update covers a subset of research published or released from October 2016 through May 2022. Power Through Choices and Pulse were among the programs selected for review and were determined to have met the review criteria for a high rating.