Grab Your Sunscreen & Get Ready for #HealthyTeen22

Welcome back, friends. And welcome to Miami. 

Logo for Healthy Teen Network, featuring 3 interlocked orange circle outlines, and inside, outline drawings of a hand, a sunburst, and three people; below the circle, in teal, is the name, %22Healthy Teen Network%22

March 3, 2022

In just two years’ time, the world was made anew. We reinvented the ways we live, the ways we love, the ways we learn, and the ways we work.

As we enter this new time for humanity, let’s come together to make sure the best parts of these new ways are here to stay. Let’s chart new bounds for ourselves and our work. Let’s recommit to the pursuit of a just, more perfect world for everyone, where young people have the freedom to become who they want to be.

At #HealthyTeen22, we’ll cultivate healing—inwardly and outwardly.

At #HealthyTeen22, we’ll cultivate healing—inwardly and outwardly. We’ll reflect on this young decade’s renewed calls for racial justice and remarkable technological growth. And we’ll share how embracing flexibility and ambiguity liberated us to try new things.

We’ll do all this not because this is easy, but because this is our charge. Freed from the can’ts and won’ts of yesterday, we dare to dream of a new era.

And we want to make sure the best parts of the new ways we’ve been doing things in a COVID-world are here to stay. We invite you to join us at #HealthyTeen22 and share the amazing work you’re doing to advance social change in our field.

Not sure what to submit? We want to know…  

  • What did you do or learn when you were freed from the can’ts and won’ts of yesterday? 
  • What new bounds should we chart for ourselves and our work? 
  • How did embracing flexibility and ambiguity liberate you to try new things? 
  • How are you cultivating healing—inwardly and/or outwardly? 

We’re accepting session proposals now until 11:59 PM ET, Wednesday, March 23, 2022! 

Want to sharpen your presentation game before submitting a proposal for #HealthyTeen22? Check out our recent blog post, Quick Tips for Effective Presentations. 

PHOTO CREDIT: Denys Kostyuchenkoon Unsplash  

Answer The Call

At Healthy Teen Network, we believe that every young person has a right to live their authentic sexuality. And we see you, the professionals and caring adults, helping them do this. We know you do your best when you’re connected to great opportunities and resources. That’s why we’re here…to help make those connections and support you. Read more about us.

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