Pat Paluzzi Healthy Teen Network | retiring staff

Pat Paluzzi Awarded the Healthy Teen Network #StandingStrong Award

We thank Pat for 15 years of leadership with Healthy Teen Network. 

Logo for Healthy Teen Network, featuring 3 interlocked orange circle outlines, and inside, outline drawings of a hand, a sunburst, and three people; below the circle, in teal, is the name, %22Healthy Teen Network%22

November 8, 2018

Last month, Healthy Teen Network recognized our departing President and CEO, Pat Paluzzi, with the #StandingStrong award at our annual national conference in San Diego. Pat has served as the visionary leader for Healthy Teen Network since 2003, building momentum for inclusive, innovative, and integrated adolescent sexual and reproductive health care and services.

Board Member and Ex-Officio, Brigid Riley, shared these thoughts as we said good-bye and thank you to Pat:

With Gratitude…

For your lifelong commitment to bettering the lives of women, children, and young people;

For your willingness to change the conversation in the field, so we’re now talking about resourceful, resilient youth and Youth 360° and what we as adult allies must attend to;

Pat’s legacy of #StandingStrong for all young people will not be forgotten, and you can join in the celebration of her achievements by making a donation in her name.

For your willingness to keep #StandingStrong in the public sphere when the current administration tried to topple the infrastructure that Healthy Teen Network helped build for the field;

For your leadership of Healthy Teen Network across 15 years—building innovative programs, supporting important research, developing quality communications, and nurturing such capable staff members;

For the creative energy you shared with all of us—being a reliable source of light and laughter;

For becoming a professional mentor to so many staff members, board members, and colleagues…

We are all standing on firmer ground, united in our commitment to young people, more sure of ourselves and our mission as a result of your leadership.

We thank you.

Pat’s legacy of #StandingStrong for all young people will not be forgotten, and you can join in the celebration of her achievements by making a donation in her name.

At Healthy Teen Network, we believe that every young person has a right to live their authentic sexuality. And we see you, the professionals and caring adults, helping them do this. We know you do your best when you’re connected to great opportunities and resources. That’s why we’re here…to help make those connections and support you. Read more about us.

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