Headshot of Sheila VanWert

Sheila VanWert Recognized with Outstanding Former Teen Parent Award

In honor of Sheila’s  dedication to others and using her own life experience to make a difference in the world

Logo for Healthy Teen Network, featuring 3 interlocked orange circle outlines, and inside, outline drawings of a hand, a sunburst, and three people; below the circle, in teal, is the name, %22Healthy Teen Network%22

November 16, 2020

Healthy Teen Network is pleased to announce Sheila VanWert, BSW, MS, as the Outstanding Former Teen Parent Awardee.

(Learn more about our awards and past awardees on our conference website.)

Ms. VanWert has worked as a Child Case Manager at Saginaw Psychological, where she managed a Youth in Transition Mentoring Program for older youth in foster care and ran a summer camp for at-risk boys. She was president of the Michigan Youth Opportunities Initiative, where she dedicated her work to the education and advocacy for foster care and policy changes. Currently, Ms. VanWert is a Young Fellow for the Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, where she serves on the Expectant and Parenting Workgroup. Ms. VanWert’s goals are to attain a master’s degree in social work and launch her own organization that serves families and children who have experienced trauma. Ms. Van Wert is an example of a life of dedication to others and using one’s own life experience to make a difference in the world.

With this award, Healthy Teen Network recognizes outstanding leadership in achieving community or career goals.

Each year, Healthy Teen Network presents the Outstanding Former Teen Parent award to a former teen mother or teen father who has overcome the challenges of early parenting to achieve extraordinary personal and/or professional success. Recipients demonstrate outstanding leadership in achieving community or career goals.

Sheila VanWert, BSW, MS, accepts the Outstanding Former Teen Parent Award.

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