If so, we want to hear from you. Text the word STORIES to 313131
January 29, 2021
If you are 18 to 26 years old, currently parenting a child, and were in foster care around age 17, or have “aged-out” of foster care, we want to hear from you!
We’re now enrolling for a new research project to better understand the needs of parents during times of COVID-19.
Text the word STORIES to 313131.
Participate virtually.
Get compensated.
$50 or $95 provided depending on how you decide to participate.
There are many ways you can participate virtually from the comfort of your home.
A compensation of $50 or $95 will be provided depending on how you decide to participate.
Let us know by emailing Genevieve [ a t ] HealthyTeenNetwork.org or texting the word STORIES to 313131.
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This study has been approved by Montclair State University Institutional Review Board, study #IRB-FY20-21-1963.
Principal investigators:
Svetlana Shpiegel, Department of Social Work and Child Advocacy, Montclair State University
Elizabeth Aparicio, Department of Behavioral and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland.