Were you in foster care?

If so, we want to hear from you. Text the word STORIES to 313131

Logo for Healthy Teen Network, featuring 3 interlocked orange circle outlines, and inside, outline drawings of a hand, a sunburst, and three people; below the circle, in teal, is the name, %22Healthy Teen Network%22

January 29, 2021

If you are 18 to 26 years old, currently parenting a child, and were in foster care around age 17, or have “aged-out” of foster care, we want to hear from you!

We’re now enrolling for a new research project to better understand the needs of parents during times of COVID-19.

Text the word STORIES to 313131.

Participate virtually.

Get compensated.

$50 or $95 provided depending on how you decide to participate.

There are many ways you can participate virtually from the comfort of your home.

A compensation of $50 or $95 will be provided depending on how you decide to participate.


Let us know by emailing Genevieve [ a t ] HealthyTeenNetwork.org or texting the word STORIES to 313131. 

Want to share?

We’d love for you to help us spread the word about this project. Please share this flyer or our posts on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.

This study has been approved by Montclair State University Institutional Review Board, study #IRB-FY20-21-1963.

Principal investigators:

Svetlana Shpiegel, Department of Social Work and Child Advocacy, Montclair State University

Elizabeth Aparicio, Department of Behavioral and Community Health, School of Public Health, University of Maryland.

At Healthy Teen Network, we believe that every young person has a right to live their authentic sexuality. And we see you, the professionals and caring adults, helping them do this. We know you do your best when you’re connected to great opportunities and resources. That’s why we’re here…to help make those connections and support you. Read more about us.

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