For Adult Professionals
Homelessness & Its Intersection with Sexual Behavior among Youth

Homelessness & Its Intersection with Sexual Behavior among Youth

Housing is a universal human right and the absence of safe and stable housing contributes to negative health outcomes for youth.Adopted by the Healthy Teen Network Board of Directors on June 9, 2017Position Healthy Teen Network maintains that housing is a universal...

Youth-Friendly Services

Youth-Friendly Services

Youth-friendly health care must be confidential, equitable, and accessible to increase youths' utilization of clinical services.Adopted by the Healthy Teen Network Board of Directors on January 11, 2018Position Healthy Teen Network maintains that for youth to enjoy...

Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online

Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online

Growing Up LGBTQ+ Online 2017When approaching topics such as adolescent sexuality, technology, and social media, it is sometimes tempting for adults, even sexuality educators, to focus solely on the Internet Age’s harmful and problematic byproducts for adolescent...

Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care

Sexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care

ReSHAPINGSexual Risk Behaviors Among Adolescents in Foster Care: The Impact of Sexual Orientation Society for Social Work and Research 21st Annual Conference, 2017 Svetlana Shpiegel, Elizabeth Aparicio, Claudette L. Grinnell-Davis, Dana Prince Suggested...

Know Your Audience

Know Your Audience

Know Your Audience2017This tip sheet gives ways to find common ground with stakeholders and elected officials. The goal is to have better communication and educate others on your cause. It's important to know your audience, so you can... Identify common ground with...

Navigating the Politics of Public Health

Navigating the Politics of Public Health

Navigating the Politics of Public Health: Finding Common Ground in Support of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive HealthPresentation Available Online & In-PersonThis four-part webinar series is a companion piece to the issue brief, Finding Common Ground: An...

Finding Common Ground

Finding Common Ground

Finding Common Ground: An Overview on Key Conservative Principles to Support Shared Goals for Adolescent Sexual & Reproductive Health2017With a focus on shared goals, we can work together to improve outcomes for all young people. This issue brief is a tool for our...

Universal Right to Health Care

Universal Right to Health Care

Health care is a universal human right, and by extension, a right all Americans should enjoy equitably.Adopted by the Healthy Teen Network Board of Directors on September 21, 2017Position Healthy Teen Network maintains that health care is a universal human right, and...

First births to maltreated adolescent girls

First births to maltreated adolescent girls

ReSHAPINGFirst births to maltreated adolescent girls: Differences associated with spending time in foster care Child Maltreatment, 2017 Bryn King, PhD, MSW Suggested Citation King, B. (2017). First births to maltreated adolescent girls: Differences associated with...

Ensuring Equity by Dismantling Racism

Ensuring Equity by Dismantling Racism

Racism within health care must be dismantled to achieve health equity for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.Adopted by the Healthy Teen Network Board of Directors on September 21, 2017Position Healthy Teen Network believes that racism remains a persistent social...

Employment Outcomes of Young Parents Who Age Out of Foster Care

Employment Outcomes of Young Parents Who Age Out of Foster Care

ReSHAPINGEmployment outcomes of young parents who age out of foster care Children and Youth Services Review, January 2017 Amy Dworsky, Elissa Gitlow Suggested Citation Dworsky, A., & Gitlow, E. (2017). Employment outcomes of young parents who age out of foster...

2017 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report #StandingStrong & Keeping Youth at the CenterOctober 2018The 2017 Annual Report states our goals for #StandingStrong and keeping youth at the center of our plans. Though it may seem at times as if we are sliding backwards, we have hope we are...

Sexual & Reproductive Health Services for Immigrant Youth

Sexual & Reproductive Health Services for Immigrant Youth

Immigrant youth deserve comprehensive sexuality education and optimal sexual and reproductive health services in order to achieve whole health.Adopted by the Healthy Teen Network Board of Directors on September 21, 2017Position Healthy Teen Network believes that...

Healthy Teen Network Strategic Plans

Healthy Teen Network Strategic Plans

Healthy Teen Network Strategic Plans 2017 Healthy Teen Network believes that adolescent sexual and reproductive health is a social justice issue with public health impacts. These impacts are confounded by how and where youth live, learn, and play and require a...

Health Educator Resource and Opportunities (HERO) Guide

Health Educator Resource and Opportunities (HERO) Guide

Health Educator Resource and Opportunities (HERO) Guide2017Healthy Teen Network collaborated with the School-Based Health Alliance, a national association of school-based health centers and school health professionals, to conduct focus groups to gather information...

Celebrating Young Parents

Celebrating Young Parents

Celebrating Young Parents: How New Mexico and California Established a Day of Recognition2017Over the past several years, two states—New Mexico and California—have been working to affirm the value of young families and celebrate the ways they contribute to our...



LGBTQ+-Who?2017Former Healthy Teen Network Intern Hannah Murray—who was in high school during her internship— created this presentation and game to help viewers and participants learn more about the LGBTQ+ community. LGBTQ+–Who?! outlines basic-yet-important...

Title X Family Planning Program

Title X Family Planning Program

The Title X family planning program must remain federally funded to continue to provide health services to women and families.Adopted by the Healthy Teen Network Board of Directors on June 9, 2017Position Healthy Teen Network supports continuation of the federal Title...

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