For Adult Professionals
What Is a Logic Model?

What Is a Logic Model?

What Is a Logic Model? 2013What is a logic model? Learn more in this tip sheet! Logic models display the relationships among the resources you have to operate your program, the activities you plan, and the changes or results you hope to achieve. They have been used...

Stopping the Cycle of Child Abuse and Neglect

Stopping the Cycle of Child Abuse and Neglect

ReSHAPINGStopping the Cycle of Child Abuse and Neglect: A Call to Action to Focus on Pregnant and Parenting Youth in and Aging Out of the Foster Care System Journal of Public Child Welfare, 2013 Jennifer Mullins Geiger, Lisa Ann Schelbe Suggested Citation ​Mullins...

Pathways to STI Risk for Adolescents in Foster Care

Pathways to STI Risk for Adolescents in Foster Care

ReSHAPINGPathways to STI Risk for Adolescents in Foster Care: Evidence From a Longitudinal Study of Youth Transitioning Out of Care Journal of Adolescent Health, 2013 Kym R. Ahrens, Carolyn McCarty, Mark E. Courtney, Amy Dworsky, Jane Simoni Suggested Citation Ahrens,...

Cumulative teen birth rates among girls in foster care at age 17

Cumulative teen birth rates among girls in foster care at age 17

ReSHAPINGCumulative teen birth rates among girls in foster care at age 17: An analysis of linked birth and child protection records from California Child Abuse & Neglect, 2013 Emily Putnam-Hornstein, Bryn King Suggested Citation King, B. & Putnam-Hornstein, E....

Best Practices for Working with Pregnant and Parenting Teens

Best Practices for Working with Pregnant and Parenting Teens

Best Practices for Working with Pregnant and Parenting Teens 2012 This tip sheet provides information on how to support young people who are pregnant and/or parenting so they can be good parents while growing into healthy adults. Contributing StaffRelatedDiscover the...

The risk of teenage pregnancy among transitioning foster youth

The risk of teenage pregnancy among transitioning foster youth

ReSHAPINGThe risk of teenage pregnancy among transitioning foster youth: Implications for extending state care beyond age 18 Children and Youth Services Review, 2010 Amy Dworsky, Mark E. Courtney Suggested Citation Dworsky, A., & Courtney, M. E. (2010) The risk of...

An American Frame: Teen Pregnancy and Parenting

An American Frame: Teen Pregnancy and Parenting

An American Frame: Teen Pregnancy and Parenting 2010 We teamed up with the FrameWorks Institute to take a look at how the media, as well as advocates, talk about (aka, framing or messaging) young people who are pregnant or parenting. RelatedDiscover the magic of the...

Helping Teens Help Themselves

Helping Teens Help Themselves

Helping Teens Help Themselves 2006 This national blueprint represents a multi-year, multidisciplinary approach to increase supportive housing options for pregnant and parenting teens exiting foster care. Contributing StaffRelatedDiscover the magic of the Network.

Another Chance: Preventing Additional Births to Teen Mothers

Another Chance: Preventing Additional Births to Teen Mothers

Another Chance: Preventing Additional Births to Teen Mothers 2004 This report by Lorraine Klerman, DrPH, summarizes what is known about additional births to teen mothers, the dimensions of the problem, the factors that seem to increase the chances of such births...

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