Facilitation Resources & Training
Ready to implement El Camino? We’ve got you covered with the training, resources, and any other support you need as you prepare to facilitate the curriculum.
Ready to implement El Camino? We’ve got you covered with the training, resources, and any other support you need as you prepare to facilitate the curriculum.
El Camino is a sexual health promotion curriculum designed—using positive youth development principles—for Latino young people. The program consists of eleven 45-minute lessons divided into three arcs, or sections, to encourage young people to (1) set goals, (2) make informed sexual and reproductive health choices, and (3) have healthy relationships.
Participating young people are asked to set a long-term goal and then consider steps to accomplish this goal. Young people learn about contraceptive methods and about how these methods could align with their goals. They also participate in interactive activities that encourage them to identify their viewpoints and discuss why they feel the way they do, practice assertive communication, learn about consent, and identify healthy relationships.
Throughout the program, participating teens read and discuss a series of novelas (stories) about other teens in relatable situations. These activities help them think through issues around goal setting, reproductive health, and healthy relationships. El Camino’s focus on the needs and cultural norms of Latino youth and their families helps participants set academic and career goals. Throughout, the activities in El Camino strive to engage parents to obtain their support for further education and delayed family formation.
The El Camino curriculum is developmentally appropriate, active, engaging, and youth-focused. It incorporates several unique features that distinguish it from other evidence-based/evidence-informed curricula designed to prevent teen pregnancy and STIs. In particular, El Camino’s lessons and activities:
Learn more about El Camino with the fact sheet, El Camino: Helping Teens Set Life Goals and Promote Sexual Health, available in English and Spanish. This fact sheet describes the El Camino curriculum and preliminary results from a pilot test of the program in seven schools and community-based organizations across six cities.
The El Camino Adaptation Guide provides facilitators and curriculum implementers with the tools and resources to guide them in making appropriate adaptations to El Camino, an adolescent sexual health promotion curriculum, while maintaining program fidelity.
Many program facilitators adapt curricula to better serve their youth populations, and this guide will help them make adaptations in line with curriculum core components that will not jeopardize potential benefits to youth.
In response to the COVID-19 public health pandemic, Child Trends adapted the curriculum and training guides to allow them to be implemented virtually.
The updated curriculum incorporates call-out boxes with instructions on how to adapt each activity for a virtual setting, instructional demonstration videos that can be used in place of in-person demonstrations, and student workbook materials that have been converted into fillable PDF documents.
The curriculum also includes instructions, resources, strategies, and tips for virtual facilitation and implementation within each lesson, as well as front matter materials for facilitators.
These updates help ensure that El Camino can be implemented with high quality and fidelity in a virtual setting.
This brief summarizes the process for and lessons learned from virtually implementing El Camino. The resource provides recommendations for adapting in-person programs for remote delivery, including school-based health and sexual health programs. These recommendations are the result of research conducted as programs shifted from in-person to virtual programming during the COVID-19 pandemic.
While Child Trends previously published lessons learned from adapting the program and implementing it virtually, this tip sheet presents those lessons as actionable recommendations in an easy-to-use table format to allow program facilitators and implementation staff to easily access information while implementing a sexual health promotion curriculum.
Looking for resources you can use now, as you prepare to facilitate El Camino? We’ve got you covered!
This tip sheet from Child Trends and the Healthy Teen Network can help sexual health facilitators respond to youth’s difficult questions about sex in a welcoming and honest way—no matter their motivation for asking. The tip sheet outlines three key steps to forming responses, provides an example of the steps in practice, and is available to download in English and Spanish.
Sex Ed 101 for Educators has 14 lessons to cover the basics of what you need to know. Go through all 14, or pick and choose what works best for you. Review the units in any order, at your own pace. With each lesson, we identify the Professional Learning Standards for Sex Education topics and indicators addressed, so you can get the professional development you need to continue to build your sex ed facilitation skills
Ready to implement El Camino? We are thrilled to be able to offer the complete curriculum at no cost to you, but there are fees for all training and technical assistance.
We’ll train your facilitators to implement the evidence-based program, El Camino, with young people. Training-of-Facilitator participants get the background and practice they need to be ready to implement the program with quality and fidelity. Ongoing technical assistance to make adaptations and support implementation is also available
We offer an open Training-of-Facilitators at least once a year. Check out our event calendar below to see the next available training.
Alternatively, we may also be available to train your staff, on-site or virtually. If you have at least 12 educators ready to implement El Camino, and you need the training scheduled for your timing, this may be the option for you.
Looking for support but not quite a more formal training? We offer proactive and reactive technical assistance (TA) and coaching.
TA may be structured as informal individual or group sessions, taking place in person (via site visits), on the phone, or online, over a set period of time. TA helps to build skills as well as increase knowledge and change attitudes.
TA might look like coaching on facilitation techniques, advice on adaptation requests, or managing implementation challenges.
Upcoming Events
The In/Tend incubator program is a fun, 7-month experience that helps teams of three use human-centered design to create solutions for real-world challenges in adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
Teams enjoy a guided journey with coaching, resources, a supportive community, and hands-on experience to spark creativity and make a real difference.
The incubator program will accept applications starting April 7, but all the details and information are available now.
We will host the following office hours where you can learn more about the incubator program application process and what to expect in the program.
Are you passionate about transforming adolescent sexual and reproductive health? Do you want to use human-centered design to address real-world challenges? If so, the In/Tend Incubator Hub is your opportunity to make a lasting impact.
Human-centered design is a creative problem-solving approach that begins by understanding the experiences of the people you’re designing for, leading to solutions tailored to their unique needs, In/Tend is the place for you!
Ready to roll up your sleeves? The 2nd cohort of the In/Tend Incubator program will begin accepting applications on April 7th. Check out the details to start working on your application now!
Make sure you’re on our email list to be the first to hear the latest from In/Tend.
Ready to implement the only proven effective curriculum designed for and with youth involved in systems of care?
We’ll train your facilitators to implement the evidence-based program, Power Through Choices, with young people. Check out the information for the next training.
When you purchase a copy of the Power Through Choices curriculum, you also receive a “seat” in a virtual Training-of-Facilitators, which must be redeemed within one year of the curriculum purchase. We offer these trainings virtually twice a year.
Alternatively, we may also be available to come to you to train your staff, on-site (at an additional cost). If you have at least 12 health educators ready to implement Power Through Choices, this may be the option for you!
Training-of-Facilitator participants get the background and practice they need to be ready to implement the program with quality and fidelity. Ongoing technical assistance to make adaptations and support implementation is also available.
Want to know more? Let’s talk!
Are you passionate about making positive change in adolescent sexual and reproductive health? Interested in digging deep into the world of human-centered design to address real-world challenges?
Human-centered design is a creative problem-solving approach that starts by understanding the needs and experiences of the people you’re designing for, resulting in solutions truly tailored to their needs and preferences.
If you have a big challenge you want to solve in this field, join us for an immersive 7-month journey at the In/Tend Incubator Hub, where dreamers, doers, and changemakers come together to make a difference.
Ready to roll up your sleeves? Check out the Choose Your Own Adventure application for our Incubator Hub which starts accepting submissions on July 10.
We shine our brightest—together.
In solidarity, we turn silence into support, hesitation into harmony.
In solidarity, we commit to healing, caring for ourselves and each other.
In solidarity, we build community and make movements, defying what seeks to divide us.
In solidarity, we seek joy and justice, especially when the weight of the world seems too heavy to bear alone.
In solidarity, we discover action in anger, radiance in resistance.
Join us in Atlanta for #HealthyTeen25. In this extraordinary city, we’ll draw lessons from movements everywhere and those who’ve come before us. We’ll look inward, reflecting on our own roles in the age-old struggles for truth, justice, and liberation. We’ll uncover new ways to channel support for sexual and reproductive health care and education into shared purpose and lasting change. Ready to rise at every new challenge, book ban, or hate bill with determination and unity, we’ll dream of new potentials and possibilities, bright and boundless.
In solidarity, we uphold our right to control our bodies and shape our own destinies, settling for nothing less than true liberation.
Shine your light at #HealthyTeen25.
The #HealthyTeen25 Call for Proposals is open! Take a look at what kind of sessions we are looking for and what you’ll need to submit your proposal.
We know learning isn’t one-size-fits all. Let’s create your custom event.
For over 40 years, our conference has been the only comprehensive annual national event to convene adolescent sexual and reproductive health professionals. Hundreds of conference attendees attend our apex capacity-building event each year. They come to strengthen their skills to implement evidence-based and innovative approaches and network with national colleagues to share lessons learned.
Save the date and join us in San Diego, California! Sign up to receive our emails and don’t miss important information about #HealthyTeen26, including the call for proposals, award nominations, and when early bird registration opens!
El Camino is available to download in English and in Spanish, at no cost. Materials include:
El Camino is a positive youth development-focused sexual health education program designed for Latino youth.
Implemented in schools & communities, especially those with large Latino populations
Consists of eleven, 45-minute lessons, organized in 3 sections
Promotes youth academic & career setting; young people develop plans to achieve positive life goals
Learn about how a pregnancy occurs and effective contraception methods to help avoid unintended pregnancy and STIs
Learn about healthy relationships; practice communication skills, how to ask and give consent, and set limits
Read on to learn more about the curriculum including evaluation findings, adaptations, facilitator resources, and training.
Findings from the most recent evaluation of El Camino demonstrate that this culturally relevant program helps students in high schools with large Latino populations develop the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and relationships that support their ability to make informed decisions about sex and pregnancy and achieve their goals. Learn more…
From 2015 to 2018, Child Trends developed and tested El Camino with more than 300 students in Washington, DC; East Chicago, IN; Tacoma, WA; Baltimore, MD; Los Angeles, CA; and Philadelphia, PA. The curriculum development and field testing was funded by The JPB Foundation.
Child Trends staff—Kristin Anderson Moore, Jennifer Manlove, Jenita Parekh, Bianca Faccio, Samuel Beckwith, and Lina Guzman—developed the curriculum in partnership with external advisors and curriculum writers Lori Rolleri and Linda Kaljee.
From 2020-2024, Child Trends conducted a multi-year evaluation of El Camino in Montgomery County, MD, in partnership with Identity, Inc. and the University of Maryland with funding from the U.S. Health and Human Services Office of Population Affairs.
You work hard to meet the needs of young people. We’re here to support and inspire you to do your best work every day.